My Little Family

Monday, November 22, 2010
Let the Holiday's begin! I am excited that Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and that Christmas is just behind. I've been into online shopping this year and have gotten some GREAT deals already:) I do want my children to know that Christmas is not about getting, but about giving and enjoying the story of Jesus being born! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, and I hope you remember we have something not everyone can say that they have...JESUS in our hearts. Enjoy the turkey!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Being thankful
This is our thankful tree we made this year. I wanted something very different than the run of the mill paper one's we've made before! Sticks from the yard some fake leaves and some ribbon mad a very lovely centerpiece for our thanksgiving table! You could even leave a few leaves on the table with a sharpie and let guests write on a few too! Have fun and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
True Christianity doesn't define the extreme by how close to the line we can get while still being a Christian. The extreme is how far from the line we can run and how close we can get to our Savior.
This is going to require extreme parenting. A parent who is willing to deny their pleasures in life for a greater pleasure to come. A parent who is willing to refuse a job or a promotion because of the time away from the family. A parent who is willing to sit next to a child on the computer and work together rather then let them build a virtual family. A parent who is willing to talk with a child and not just at them. A parent who is willing to walk daily with their child and guide them to HIS truth. A parent who is willing to tell their child daily what the real choice is but give them the liberty to make their choice. These and many more require an extreme commitment. A parent willing to die to themselves so that their children will walk with the God.
"God demonstrates his own love for us in this that while we were yet sinners HE died for us." Romans 5:8
I want to become an extreme parent.
This is going to require extreme parenting. A parent who is willing to deny their pleasures in life for a greater pleasure to come. A parent who is willing to refuse a job or a promotion because of the time away from the family. A parent who is willing to sit next to a child on the computer and work together rather then let them build a virtual family. A parent who is willing to talk with a child and not just at them. A parent who is willing to walk daily with their child and guide them to HIS truth. A parent who is willing to tell their child daily what the real choice is but give them the liberty to make their choice. These and many more require an extreme commitment. A parent willing to die to themselves so that their children will walk with the God.
"God demonstrates his own love for us in this that while we were yet sinners HE died for us." Romans 5:8
I want to become an extreme parent.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Speaking truths to your kids
As Christian parents, we're always searching for different ways to firmly plant God's Word in the hearts of our kids.
Raising Terrific Kids Everyday by Karen Jensen, taught me a simple method of how to easily get the Word into my children's heart when they were too young to do it.
Try to speak this to your children (child by child) everyday...its a very good thing!
"For I know the thoughts and plans I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome."
Jeremiah 29:11 (AMP)
(Sub your children's name for MONKEY:))
Monkey, God has a wonderful, divinely ordered plan for your whole life. You have a divine destiny, and I proclaim, in the name of Jesus, that you are walking in it today. You are fulfilling God's plan for your life, and you have a bright future.
"Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because greater is He that is in you, that he that is in the world."
1 John 4:4
Monkey, The Greater One lives in you today. He helps you, guides, you , encourages you, protects you, and empowers you. He is greater that any plan or force of the enemy, and causes you to overcome in every situation of life.
"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony..."
Revelation 12:11
I plead the blood of Jesus over Monkey today. He is protected, and made whole by that blood. He overcomes the darkness of this world because of the precious blood of Jesus, and because his life is a testimony of His salvation.
Hiding God's Word in the heart of a child is always a good thing. Planting good seeds will always yield good fruit later on! I hope these scriptures & confessions have blessed you today.
My boys
As you might or might not know, I am a mommy to two little guys. Zander, my older and wiser son, is 4...ALMOST 5!! He is such a live wire, and I love him so much. There are days when I can see past him dressing up like a ninja to save his princess, or playing in his tree house and pretending there is an earthquake (so he throws the "furniture" onto the hard ground below), yeah I can see past all that sometimes. Do you want to know WHAT I see? I see a tender heart, a love and compassion for others, a desire to please his God and a hunger to learn about EVERYTHING he sees, touches, hears, smells and tastes! Zander always has something to say. The other day we were at a homeschool water conservation program and the woman kept asking questions. If you know Zander, you know you don't just ask questions without getting a LONG response:) He really wanted to answer the questions right, and kept asking me if he did good...of course I said yes...even if I really wanted to cover his mouth with my hand half way through! I love that kid. The other day a friend stopped by pretty early in the morn and Zander hadn't gotten dressed yet. He asked if Zander was going out of the house (in his undies) and Zander, without missing a beat, said "NO, I'm not Adam and Eve!" It cracked my friend up, and made his day. That is why Zander is sooooo special, he can make your day with a clever comment or a sweet smile! We will get to Carson another day~
Friday, November 12, 2010
Crazy things kids will watch
Yesterday Zander and Zach went to Winfield to a homeschool field trip to Gambinos pizza! They all got to make a pizza of their very own, and then EAT IT:). My close friend, Rachel, was there and bestowed upon the Dobbs family a precious gift...the gift of math! Years ago I was visiting her at her home and the kids started watching a video...MATHTACULAR! Its basically a goofy guy talking ALL about math. INTEGERS, PAIRS, COUNTING BACKWARDS, ODDS AND EVENS and SOOO much more!! We are watching it as I type...Zander is intrigued! I love it, its getting some math terms swirling around in his noggin, and it gives me a chance to post...and I know that makes your heart happy.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
In the begining...
After being a avid blog reader for a couple of years now, I decided it was time to start one for myself. It's not that I have anything awfully important to say. Its just that I have kids and I do stuff! My kiddos say great things and do great things, also I would like to tell you about my homeschool journey. Homeschooling is proving to be my greatest challenge so far. It's just preschool!! I am sure it's because in this early stage there is no set curriculum to follow, I'm just making it up as I go along. My goal for each day is to touch on certain things such as, a book or a reading readiness project, writing his letters, and a skill. Of course reading is NOT a hard thing to do...he LOVES books! I am very proud of his progress this year. He has letters down, and the sound they make. He loves writing (even though its gibberish). We will be using My Fathers World in the coming years and next year we are picking up Math U See! Soon I will be really hitting Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. I've chosen this because several veterans of homeschool have used TYCTR with their "spirited" boys and loved it. I really didn't mean to go off on a tangent about my homeschooling, BUT you get what you get! Its my job, its my kids, its my passion! Come and join me on my adventure!
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